Step 1: Creating A Stream

Creating A Stream

In this step you will create and configure a stream with the correct configuration. You will need this stream for your producer application to produce data and your consumer to fetch it.

Log in to the Self-Service portal using the credentials supplied by Axual. The following screen will be shown:

Open the menu to view labels for the icons

Creating Your New Stream.

  1. Click "Streams"

Stream overview
  1. Click "New stream" (displayed in the picture above, on the top right side)

New stream view
  1. Define a name for your stream - 'applicationlogevents'

  2. Enter a relevant description which helps (future) consumers to understand what kind of data is to be found on the stream

  3. Select "demo’s Team" as your team

  4. Select "AVRO" for both "Key type" and "Value type"

  5. Click "Create stream" to create the stream

You will see that the stream is created.

stream applicationlogevents

Axual allows to configure streams based on the environment they are used in. E.g. in "Development" you might want to have a shorter retention time than in "Production". In the next step you will configure the stream in at least one environment.

Configuring Your New Stream

When configuring the stream, you must configure it for an environment. The "example" environment comes preconfigured and can be used.

  1. Click "Configure stream"

Config stream view
  1. Enter a retention time (e.g. 1 day)

  2. Choose the value schema version in the dropdown

  3. Enter a number of partitions (e.g. 2)

  4. Click "Save" to configure your stream. The stream has now become active in the "example" environment.

Next step: Enabling Security

You are now ready to move on to the next step 3. Enabling Security to make sure you can connect to the platform securely and your application(s) can be authorized to access the stream.