
Available monitoring dashboards

Grafana dashboards are automatically provisioned when starting Axual. The following dashboards are available to monitor the platform:

Dashboard name



[Cluster Overview]

Cluster overview

A high level dashboard showing the cluster status and metrics

[Broker stats per node]

Broker stats per node

A dashboard useful to zoom in to the metrics for a single broker node

[Discovery status]

Discovery status

A dashboard showing the (instance specific) status of the Discovery API and other metrics

[Distributor Overview]

Distributor overview

Dashboard showing offset, schema and message distributor status and metrics

[VM Stats]

VM Stats

A useful dashboard to show a VM’s status, e.g. disk, CPU and memory usage

[Docker Monitoring]

Docker monitoring

Dashboard zooming in on the Docker statistics of the VMs

[Prometheus Overview]

Prometheus overview

Dashboard used for checking Prometheus metrics

Connect Overview

connect overview

Dashboard provides a general overview of Connect service of a given instance

Connectors Overview

connect overview

Dashboard which exposes metrics that concern individual connectors

[Rest-Proxy Detailed Overview]

Rest-Proxy Detailed Overview

Dashboard which exposes metrics that concern to Rest-Proxy