Deploying Axual Platform


Axual Platform consists of multiple components wrapped in Docker containers. As for any generic Docker container, deployments poses some complexity on passing the correct environmental variables and network / persistence setup (port mapping, volume mapping).

In order to overcome this complexity we have created a tool called Axual Deploy that bootstraps the configuration and deploys the complete platform locally.

below instructions are intented for local deployment of Axual Platform. If you want to deploy the platform in a different deployment scenario, please continue reading here.

Local deployment


Before starting, there are a few things required to setup:

  • use any Linux distribution or OS X with Bash 4.2+ installed ( Windows systems are not supported )

  • install Docker ( MacOS, Linux )

make sure you assign at least 3 Gb to your docker daemon
  • login into Axual’s docker repository with docker login Use the credentials provided by Axual.

  • download the example setup of the Axual platform for local deployment. Use the same docker credentials.

Configuring your local machine

The example setup of Axual Deploy contains the following:

  1. Deployment scripts (scripts that start/stop the platform services)

  2. Platform configuration (cluster, instance and tenant configuration)

  3. Security folder with dummy Keystores for components in order to enable SSL communication

  4. The script

  5. The script

Before running the platform for the first time, it is required to run the script to prepare your machine. You will be prompted for the sudo password.

./ -run

You should see the following output (or similar):

Adding alias to interface lo0
Writing the host file at /Users/yourname/
Creating local data directory at /Users/yourname/axual_local_data
Creating an SQL file with initial statements to be inserted in the local database...
Setup complete.

Start the platform with './ [-v] start' (optional argument '-v' stands for verbose)
You will be prompted to insert the DB root password.

After the platform starts, login into the self-service portal using the following credentials:
Username: ''
Password: 'password'

Use the following configuration for your application to connect to this Axual platform deployment:
All keystore, truststore and key passwords are 'notsecret'
The application ID and version are chosen by the developer.

You can run './ -run' again to display this screen

Customisation is possible, run the script with -help instead of -run for more information.

Running the platform

To simply start the platform, run the following command:

./ start

If everything went successfully, a similar output should be present in the console:

Configuring cluster services for node localhost in cluster LOCAL
Preparing exhibitor: Done
Starting exhibitor: Done
Waiting for exhibitor on
Connected to exhibitor on
Preparing broker: Done
Starting broker: Done
Waiting for broker on
Connected to broker on
Preparing cluster-api: Done
Starting cluster-api: Done
Preparing distributor: Done
Starting distributor: Done
Deploying topic _company-local-environments: Done
Deploying topic _company-local-schemas: Done
Configuring instance services for company-local in cluster LOCAL
Stopping distributors with prefix company-local-message-distributor-from-: Done
Stopping distributors with prefix company-local-offset-distributor-from-: Done
Stopping distributors with prefix company-local-schema-distributor-: Done
Preparing company-local-sr-master: Done
Starting company-local-sr-master: Done
Preparing company-local-sr-slave: Done
Starting company-local-sr-slave: Done
Running copy-config-company-local-discovery-api: Done
Preparing company-local-discovery-api: Done
Starting company-local-discovery-api: Done
Preparing company-local-instance-api: Done
Cluster servers are https://platform.local:9080
Starting company-local-instance-api: Done
Configuring mgmt services for node localhost in cluster LOCAL
Running clean-config-prometheus: /config/prometheus
Generating prometheus targets...
Generating prometheus configuration...
Running create-config-prometheus: Done
Running copy-config-prometheus: Done
Starting prometheus: Done
Provisioning grafana dashboards...
Running copy-config-grafana: Done

To stop the platform, run the following command:

./ stop


Troubleshooting the platform deployment can be done at multiple levels. The following scenarios can be referenced when attempting to troubleshoot your own deployment:

Axual Deploy scripts completed with errors

In this case, adding the -v flag would result in a verbose output on the console which it will make the debugging process easier. The command will look like:

./ -v start

Axual Deploy scripts completed successfully but some components are unreachable

Run the following command to check if all the applications have started and the port mappings are correct:

docker ps

If the platform started correctly, you should see a similar output:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                              COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                                                                                                                                  NAMES
a7c7b082b7fa        axual/clusterapi:1.0.1             "/home/kafka/start-j…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute>9080/tcp,>8081/tcp                                                                           cluster-api
046e11d87426        axual/instance-application:1.0.0   "/home/kafka/start-j…"   3 minutes ago        Up 3 minutes>9181/tcp,>31000/tcp                                                                         axual-local-instance-api
711704a1c458        axual/discovery-api:2.0.2          "/home/kafka/start-j…"   17 minutes ago       Up 17 minutes>8080/tcp,>8081/tcp,>8443/tcp                                           axual-local-discovery-api
6a7443c81309        axual/schemaregistry:3.5.0         "/home/kafka/start-s…"   18 minutes ago       Up 17 minutes>24000/tcp,>25000/tcp,>27000/tcp,>8088/tcp      axual-local-sr-slave
106eb3fc17e2        axual/schemaregistry:3.5.0         "/home/kafka/start-s…"   18 minutes ago       Up 18 minutes>20000/tcp,>21000/tcp,>23000/tcp,>8088/tcp                axual-local-sr-master
a6bb2f788cdd        axual/broker:5.0.2                 "/home/kafka/start-b…"   22 minutes ago       Up 22 minutes>9001/tcp,>9092/tcp,>9094-9096/tcp,>8088/tcp   broker
3c015ffebbc6        axual/exhibitor:2.0.1              "/home/kafka/start-e…"   23 minutes ago       Up 23 minutes>2181/tcp,>2888/tcp,>3888/tcp,>8082/tcp             exhibitor

Please pay attention to the following columns:

  1. STATUS - all components should have an Up status (e.g. Up 10 minutes)

  2. PORTS - all components should be listening on ip on the assigned ports

In the case that all components have a correct state but they are not accessible make sure to run ./ -run script before running ./ start.

If there are any issues or questions regarding Axual Deploy you can always contact the support team using the Support Page


By default, monitoring is disabled in the local deployment, as it isn’t very insightful in that particular set up. There’s little or no load at all times and it consists of a single node.

The platform components export metrics at all times. If you do want to enable monitoring in your local cluster setup, change the local-config/clusters/local/ file:

  1. Append, at the end of NODE1_MGMT_SERVICES=…​ line, the following: ,prometheus,grafana

  2. On linux machines only, at the end of the MONITORING_SERVICES=…​ line, append prometheus-node-exporter. This enables exporting of host-machine metrics, like CPU, RAM, IO usage.

By default, grafana is available at http://localhost:3000 and the credentials are: admin:admin, but they can be customised in platform-local/clusters/ local/