Performing the upgrade

Typical upgrade steps

A lot of the upgrade steps can be performed without impact on your users. Basically, the deployment or upgrade of components is split in two actions:

  1. Configuration changes, such as added or changed configuration parameters, including the new component’s version

  2. Deployment of the upgraded component, by (re)starting

The configuration changes can be done in advance most of the time, limiting downtime for your end users.

in the following upgrade steps, _platform-config refers to the location where your platform configuration is stored for that particular environment.

Verifying every step of the way

When performing the upgrade, we strongly advise to verify whether things are working every step of the way. It is pointless to continue the upgrade if halfway 1 of the services fail to start. In general we can give you the following tips that apply to every service when performing (re)starts after an upgrade:

  • Check whether the new docker image version is pulled successfully

  • Check whether the container actually starts and is at least up for > 30 seconds, and not in "Restarting" mode

There are also verification steps that depend on the service which is being upgraded. Those steps can be found in the upgrade docs itself.

Step 1 - Setting up Vault

In this step we are going to set up Vault, used to securely store the connector private key. The installation depends on the deployment topology, e.g. whether you are deploying a single node or multiple node Vault cluster.

Step 1a - Configuring Vault

  1. For each Management Cluster, add a new file under platform-config/clusters/{cluster-name}/

    # Docker image version, only override if you explicitly want to use a different version
    # VAULT_VERSION=1.4.2
    #Vault ui is enabled or not
    # Port over which client-vault communication happens.
    # Vault non leader nodes redirect to this port of the leader node.
    # Port over which vault-vault communication happens in a cluster
  2. For each Node in the Management Cluster add mgmt-vault value before mgmt-api, as mgmt-api requires vault. The file located in platform-config/clusters/{cluster-name}/ usually called

    If you have more than one Node in a Cluster you will need to repeat the following for each file.
    For example, for two Nodes for the files, you will edit the configuration NODE1_MGMT_SERVICES, NODE2_MGMT_SERVICES respectively.


Step 1b - Starting Vault

Log in to the nodes where Vault should be running and start Vault with the following command:

./ start mgmt mgmt-vault

Step 1c - Initializing Vault

  1. Choose a leader node for the vault cluster. If you are unsure, just pick the second VM. This node is further referred to as vault-node-2. Initialize and Unseal Vault on vault-node-2 by following the steps below:

    1. Enter the mgmt-vault docker container

      docker exec -ti --user root mgmt-vault /bin/sh
    2. In order to configure the vault operator environment, set the following variables:

      export VAULT_ADDR=""
      export VAULT_CLIENT_CERT="/security/mgmt-vault.server.certificate.crt"
      export VAULT_CLIENT_KEY="/security/mgmt-vault.server.certificate.key"
      export VAULT_CACERT="/security/mgmt-vault-ca.cer"
      In case your certificate does not have a DNS entry for change it to the IP of the host itself
  2. The first time we install Vault we need to initialise the Vault. We do this by creating key shares and a root token.

    • KS = number of keys to unseal a Vault (Local: 1 – Prod: 3)

    • KT = the minimum amount of keys to unseal a Vault (Local: 1 – Prod: 2)

      In the example below, KS = 1 and KT = 1

      vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1

      An unseal key, and a root token are being generated which can be used to unseal the vault.

      Please make sure you store the key and token in a secure location, like a password manager.
  3. Check if vault-node-2 is the leader using vault operator raft list-peers

    vault operator unseal [unseal-key]
    vault login [root-token]
    vault operator raft list-peers
  4. On vault-node-1 and vault-node-3, repeat the vault operator unseal command with the keyshared obtained earlier:

    docker exec -ti --user root mgmt-vault /bin/sh
    export VAULT_ADDR=""
    export VAULT_CLIENT_CERT="/security/mgmt-vault.server.certificate.crt"
    export VAULT_CLIENT_KEY="/security/mgmt-vault.server.certificate.key"
    export VAULT_CACERT="/security/mgmt-vault-ca.cer"
    vault operator unseal [unseal-key]
  5. Run the command vault operator raft list-peers on all the 3 nodes to verify the cluster state

    vault operator raft list-peers
    Node            Address             State       Voter
    -----           -------             -----       -----
    raft_node_1     [SERVER-IP]:8021    follower    true
    raft_node_2     [SERVER-IP]:8021    leader      true
    raft_node_3     [SERVER-IP]:8021    follower    true
  6. On the leader node(node-2). Enable Key value version 2 on connectors path Enter docker container of vault on node-2 using commands below if not already entered.

    vault secrets enable -path=connectors kv-v2
    vault auth enable approle

Set up of vault cluster is complete now and vault http://server-ip:8200/ui/ can be accessed from your browser using the root token obtained in Step 5! The remainder of the vault actions can now be done in the Vault GUI, with the Vault Browser CLI.

Intermezzo: using the Vault Browser CLI

The vault operator commands were issues in a docker container, but Vault offers a convenient UI with a Browser CLI which can be used for most of the commands needed in the following steps. You can access it as follows:

  1. Log in to Vault, using the UI, go to https://server:8200/ui. You will see the following login screen.

    Vault UI login screen
  2. Enter the root token and click "Sign in". If the vault is not unsealed yet, you need to use the shared keys as well.

  3. Open the Vault Browser CLI by clicking the CLI icon:

    Vault Browser CLI

Step 1d - Creating a Management API Policy in Vault

Complete the Vault setup with the Browser CLI for the following commands:

  1. Create a policy named mgmt-api, via the menu "Policies" >> "Create ACL policy", as follows:

    Add Managment API Policy
  2. Add the policy to the approle for mgmt-api:

    vault write auth/approle/role/mgmt-api token_policies="mgmt-api"
  3. Obtain the role id for mgmt-api.

    vault read auth/approle/role/mgmt-api/role-id

    The role_id will now be shown:

    Key       Value
    –––       –––--
    role_id   [MGMT_API_ROLE_ID]
  4. Create a secret_id as well, with the following command:

    vault write -f auth/approle/role/mgmt-api/secret-id

    The secret_id will now be shown:

    Key                   Value
    –––                   -----
    secret_id             [MGMT_API_SECRET_ID]
    secret_id_accessor    [NOT_USED]
  5. Update the obtained role_id and secret_id and vault-uri in the file in config repo
    MGMT_VAULT_URI=https://[MGMT_VAULT_LB_URI]:[PORT] # Vault LB uri
    MGMT_VAULT_ROLE_ID=[ROLED-ID] # Vault role obtained during initialization
    MGMT_VAULT_SECRET_ID=[SECRET-ID] # Vault secret obtained during initialization

Step 1e - Create an Axual Connect Policy in Vault

repeat the steps below for every Connect instance. For illustration purposes, {tenant-shortname}=foo and {instance-shortname}=bar
  1. Create a policy named connect-foo-bar, via the menu "Policies" >> "Create ACL policy", as follows:

    Add Connect instance API Policy
  2. Add the policy to the approle for connect-foo-bar:

    vault write auth/approle/role/connect-foo-bar token_policies="connect-foo-bar"
  3. Obtain the role id:

    vault read auth/approle/role/connect-foo-bar/role-id

    The role_id will now be shown:

    Key       Value
    –––       –––--
  4. Create a secret_id as well, with the following command:

    vault write -f auth/approle/role/connect-foo-bar/secret-id

    The secret_id will now be shown:

    Key                   Value
    –––                   -----
    secret_id             [CONNECT_INSTANCE_SECRET_ID]
    secret_id_accessor    [NOT_USED]
  5. Keep the values for role_id and secret_id and the Vault (load balancer) endpoint, we will need them in [Step 3c - Connect instance configuration]

Step 2 - Setting up Operation Manager

Configuring Operation Manager

  1. In platform-config add a file called in the mgmt cluster such as (local-config/clusters/local/ and provide the configuration parameters as defined in the preparation.
    # Docker image version, only override if you explicitly want to use a different version
    # PORTS #
    # Port at which the web-server is hosted on the host machine
    # Operation Manager default root log level
    # When managed service(s) is below a APP-gateway, the port in the URL can be omitted
    # SERVER SSL #
    # Secury Enable
    # SSL Enable flag.
    # Expects a keystore with a single private key inside it at security/app-integrator.server.keystore.jks
    # allowed cyphers
    # The password of the keystore and of the single key inside the keystore
    # Truststore password. It MUST be "notsecret" this is just an artifact from old versions.
    # The truststore is generated and the password is hardcoded.
    # Basic Authentication credentials to connect with all the instance-connects
  2. Update your file and add operation-manager as a mgmt layer service.

Starting Operation Manager

Log in to the VM where operation-manager should run and use the following command:

./ start mgmt operation-manager

Step 3 - Setting up Connect

Step 3a - Connect deployment

For each Node in the cluster edit as following the configuration file to support Connect. The file is located in platform-config/clusters/{cluster-name}/ usually called If you have more than one Node in a Cluster you will need to repeat the following for each file. For example, for two Nodes for the files, you will add the configuration NODE1_CLIENT_SERVICES, NODE2_CLIENT_SERVICES respectively.

NODE1_CLUSTER_SERVICES=[NODE NAME]:exhibitor,broker,cluster-api,cluster-browse
NODE1_INSTANCE_SERVICES=[NODE NAME]:sr-master,sr-slave,discovery-api,instance-api,rest-proxy


NODE1_MGMT_SERVICES=[NODE NAME]:mgmt-db,keycloak-populate-db,mgmt-keycloak,mgmt-api-create-db,mgmt-api,mgmt-populate-db,mgmt-ui,stream-browse


Step 3b - Connect instance configuration

For every Connect Instance, add a new file under platform-config/{tenants}/instances/{instance} and replace the placeholders with meaningful values.

# Uncomment and set a value to load a different version of Axual Connect

# Only when set to true will axual connect start

# Expose Prometheus Agent port and JMX port

# Port number configurations for HTTP/HTTPS/Prometheus/JMX
CONNECT_HOST_HTTP_PORT= # The port used for non TLS Rest API calls
CONNECT_HOST_HTTPS_PORT= # The port used for TLS Rest API calls
CONNECT_PROMETHEUS_AGENT_PORT= # The port number where the prometheus agent exposes the metrics
CONNECT_HOST_JMX_PORT= # The port used for incoming JMX connections

# The passwords of the client and server keystore

# The principal names of the client certificate
CONNECT_PRINCIPAL= # The Distinguished Name of the Axual Connect Principal.
# This is used to create read/write ACL to the System Topics and Consumer Group
# If not set, no ACLs will be created
CONNECT_PRINCIPAL_CHAIN= # The Distinguished Name of the Axual Connect Principal with the signing CA DNs chained.
# This is used to create read/write ACL to the System Topics and Consumer Group
# If not set, no ACLs will be created#

# Connection settings for the Vault Config Provider
# With test path set the config provider will try to retrieve the data from this path on startup

# Connection settings for the Keystore Config Provider

# Basic Authentication for Connect REST endpoint
# CONNECT_BASIC_AUTH_ENABLED="false" # default "true"

Step 3c - Assigning A Cluster to Run Client Service

For every Instance in Axual, add the configuration CLIENT_CLUSTER in file located at platform-config/{tenants}/instances/{instance}/. The contents of the file will now look as follows:

# These properties apply to all instance-services in this instance,
# as well as all docker containers running on the clusters this instance spans over


# All the root and intermediate .cer files which are used to sign the certificates used by instance-services
# running on clusters this instance spans over, are located at "ca/instance/OWNER/, hence OWNER is the name of that directory
# This property is OBSOLETE since axual-deploy 5.2.0

# The name of this instance. It's used for:
# - naming distribution connect-jobs
# - part of the name of every topic owned by this instance,
#   for brokers whose cluster-api use the instance name in the topic naming convention
# - discovery api uses it as "discovery.environment" property

# The name of the cluster which runs management services (like prometheus, MGMT-API and MGMT-UI)
# that should be managing this instance.

# The name of the cluster which runs client services (like axual-connect)
# that should be managing this client service.

Step 3d - Starting Connect

Connect is located in the new client services. These are applications that can connect to any cluster in the instance.

Run the following command for each instance:

 ./ start client <instance-name> axual-connect

or simply use the following command to start all client services for all instances on the machine.

 ./ start client

Step 4 - Upgrading Distributor

Configuring Distributor

  1. For each Cluster, add/edit the following configuration in The located at platform-config/clusters/{cluster-name}/


Restarting Distributor

To limit the impact on the users restart distributor in a rolling fashion (one Cluster at a time)

./ restart cluster distributor

The following output will show

Axual Platform 2020.2
Stopping cluster services for node [NODE NAME] in cluster [CLUSTER NAME]
Stopping distributor: Stopped
Configuring cluster services for node [NODE NAME] in cluster [CLUSTER NAME]
Done, cluster-api is available
Preparing distributor security: Done
Preparing distributor topics: Deploying topic _distributor-config: Done
Deploying topic _distributor-offset: Done
Deploying topic _distributor-status: Done
Starting distributor: Done

Step 5 - Upgrading monitoring

Connect expose new end-points which Prometheus is scraping data from. In order to view the data in Grafana we will need to restart the Prometheus and refresh Grafana Services in Axual.

Restarting Prometheus

Connect to the node which is running Prometheus service and run the following command.

./ restart mgmt prometheus

The following output will show

Axual Platform 2020.2
Stopping mgmt services for node [NODE NAME] in cluster [CLUSTER NAME]
Stopping prometheus: Stopped
Configuring mgmt services for node [NODE NAME] in cluster [CLUSTER NAME]
Running clean-config-prometheus: /config/prometheus
Generating prometheus targets...
Generating prometheus configuration...
Running copy-config-prometheus: Done
Starting prometheus: Done

Refreshing Grafana Dashboards

  1. In platform-config find the following settings in the mgmt cluster such as (local-config/clusters/local/ and verify that the following settings exist.
    # Controls if provisioned dashboards should be used.
    # If false the standard dashboards will not be downloaded and provisioned.
    # The Branch name or Tag name of the dashboard.
    # Changing this value will try to download and provision that specific branch or tag
  2. Connect to the node which running Grafana service and run the following command.

./ restart mgmt grafana

The following output will show

Axual Platform 2020.2
Stopping mgmt services for node [NODE NAME] in cluster [CLUSTER NAME]
Stopping grafana: Stopped
Configuring mgmt services for node [NODE NAME] in cluster [CLUSTER NAME]
Running clean-config-grafana: /config/grafana
Provisioning grafana dashboards...
Running copy-config-grafana: Done
Starting grafana: Done

To validate Connect is running see Monitoring Connect

Step 6 - Upgrading Discovery API

Configuring Discovery API

Make sure you didn’t override the default value before. If you did please remove the following line or comment it out as shown below.

# Docker image version, only override if you explicitly want to use a different version

Restarting Discovery API

Run the following command on every VM where Discovery API is running.

./ restart instance <instance-name> discovery-api

The following output will be printed

Axual Platform 2020.2
Stopping instance services for [INSTANCE NAME] in cluster [CLUSTER NAME]
Stopping [INSTANCE NAME]-discovery-api: Stopped
Done, cluster-api is available
Deploying topic _[INSTANCE NAME]-schemas: Done
Deploying topic _[INSTANCE NAME]-consumer-timestamps: Done
Done, cluster-api is available
Done, cluster-api is available
Applying ACLs : {...}
Done, cluster-api is available
Applying ACLs : {...}
Configuring instance services for [INSTANCE NAME] in cluster [CLUSTER NAME]
Running copy-config-[INSTANCE NAME]-discovery-api: Done
Preparing [INSTANCE NAME]-discovery-api: Done
Starting [INSTANCE NAME]-discovery-api: Done

Step 7 - Upgrading REST Proxy

Configuring REST Proxy

Make sure you didn’t override the default value before. If you did please remove the following line or comment it out as shown below.

# Docker image version, only override if you explicitly want to use a different version

Restarting REST Proxy

Restart REST Proxy per instance to effectuate the changes, as follows:

./ restart instance <instance-name> rest-proxy

The following output will be printed

Axual Platform 2020.2
Stopping instance services for [INSTANCE NAME]n in cluster [CLUSTER NAME]
Stopping [INSTANCE NAME]-rest-proxy: Stopped
Done, cluster-api is available
Deploying topic _[INSTANCE NAME]-schemas: Done
Deploying topic _[INSTANCE NAME]-consumer-timestamps: Done
Done, cluster-api is available
Done, cluster-api is available
Applying ACLs :...
Applying ACLs :...
Configuring instance services for [INSTANCE NAME] in cluster [CLUSTER NAME]
Preparing [INSTANCE NAME]-rest-proxy: Done
Warning: 'ADVERTISED_DEBUG_PORT_REST_PROXY' is not an instance variable and a default value is not configured as 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ADVERTISED_DEBUG_PORT_REST_PROXY'
Starting altair-constellation-rest-proxy: Done

Step 9 - Upgrading Management API

Step 9a - adding defaults

The default Kafka properties are currently loaded from an app.yml inside management API. In the case a new tenant is set up, defaults for stream configurations are necessary. You can now provide them by adding the following configuration for mgmt-api:


existing tenants or instances will not be affected by adding those defaults, only new tenants/instances

Step 9b - Enabling Connect integration

To the same mgmt-api configuration file, add the following properties to enable communication between Management API and Vault and Operation Manager.


#Vault LB uri
#Vault role obtained during intialization


#Vault secret obtained during intialization



# Keystore filename, make sure path starts with /security

Now you can proceed and restart Management API

Step 9c: Restarting Management API

Restart Management API to effectuate the changes, as follows:

./ restart mgmt mgmt-api

The following output will be printed

Axual Platform 2020.2
Stopping mgmt services for node [NODE NAME] in cluster [CLUSTER NAME]
Stopping mgmt-api: Stopped
Configuring mgmt services for node [NODE NAME] in cluster [CLUSTER NAME]
Testing DB connection
Connection successful
Preparing mgmt-api: Done
Starting mgmt-api: Done

Now that Management API is ready to offer support for Connect, the last step is to upgrade Management UI.

Step 10 - Upgrading Management UI

Configuring Management UI

Update your to enable Connect functionality

Restarting Management UI

Restart Management UI to make the new functionality available:

./ restart mgmt mgmt-ui
After restart, log in to Management UI and verify whether the upgrade was successful. Hover the "Axual X" in the top right, you can determine the version of Management API and Management UI. This should be 5.0.0 and 6.0.0 respectively.