
Producer<K, V> (Interface)

Package: io.axual.client.producer

The axualClient.buildProducer() call returns an implementation of Producer interface.

AxualClient client = ... (1)

ProducerConfig producerConfig = ProducerConfig.builder()
	.build(); (2)

Producer<K, V> producer = client.buildProducer(producerConfig); (3)

ProducerMessage<K, V> message = ProducerMessage.<K, V>newBuilder()
	.build(); (4)

producer.produce(...); (5)
1 Build AxualClient object.
2 Build ProducerConfig object.
3 Build Producer object.
4 Build ProducerMessage object.
5 Start producing


Future<ProducedMessage<K, V>> produce(ProducerMessage<K, V> message)

This method accepts a ProducerMessage object and returns a Future object containing a ProducerMessage object.

Future<ProducedMessage<K, V>> produce(ProducerMessage<K, V> message, ProduceCallback<K, V> callback)

This method also accepts a ProduceCallback object which will be called after a successful/failed produce.

void close()

Closes the underlying producer object.

ProducerMessage<K, V>

A wrapper object containing the key, value and stream among other parameters of the message to be produced.

ProducerMessage<K, V> message = ProducerMessage.<K, V>newBuilder()

// produce message

ProducedMessage<K, V>

A wrapper object returned after a successful produce() call. It includes metadata information including the partition of the topic, offset of the message and timestamp of message produced.

It also contains the name of the underlying Axual Kafka Cluster and the logical instance to which the producer is connected.

To access the ProducedMessage object, call the get() method on the Future object.

Future<ProducedMessage<K, V>> future = producer.produce(...);

ProducedMessage<K, V> message = future.get();

ProduceCallback<K, V>

An interface that can be implemented and passed to produce() call for an automatic callback.


void onComplete(ProducedMessage<K, V> message)

If produce was successful, this method will be called with the produced message. Business logic to process the message can go inside this method.

void onError(ProducerMessage<K, V> message, ExecutionException exception)

If produce was unsuccessful, this method will be called with the original message and an exception object with the error details.


An Enum used for the producers, the strategy is used to manage the produce and retry policy.


This strategy will try to deliver messages once (or less) and continue processing in all failure cases. In case something fails the message will be lost. For Producers this means that messages will be sent to Kafka only once.


This strategy will retry to deliver messages upon technical failures, potentially leading to message duplication in certain situations. Duplication is considered to be a lesser evil by applications that adopt this strategy. Be sure to be idempotent in your application when adopting this strategy. For Producers this strategy ensures successful delivery to Kafka and the message is replicated to other node in the cluster.



This strategy allows multiple message batches to be sent to the server in parallel, causing them to overtake each other.


The KEEPING_ORDER strategy only allows one message batch to be sent to the server at the same time, preventing messages from overtaking each other. This strategy mandates producers to wait DistributorTimeout when switching to another cluster.